J&Ts Openly Mated Queens

Our Queen Row with cell builders!!

All our openly mated queens are daughters of, or granddaughters of, an I.I. queen. we do NOT  sell 3rd generation queens or bees!

Pictured are the I.I. queen's with a numbered discs to maintain our breeding program. Your queen will be marked with a paint dot of the appropriate color for the year of emergence of your queen.

VSH Italian

Openly Mated Queen

$40.00 per Queen

Minnesota Hygenic

Openly Mated Queen

$40.00 per Queen

VSH Carniolan

Openly Mated Queen

$40.00 per Queen

Hygienic Behavior

Worker bees detect and uncap cells that contain infected or dead brood before the pathogen can spread. This behavior can help control diseases like American Foulbrood, Chalkbrood, and Varroa.

Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH)

A behavioral trait in which bees detect and remove brood infested by Varroa Mite, which is considered to be one of the most dangerous pests for Honey Bees Worldwide.

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